
Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Postpartum Massage

postpartum massage is a full body massage that forms an integral part of new mom care. It is best to opt for postpartum massage within 12 weeks after delivery and can continue after that duration as long as the new mom is comfortable doing so. In the case of vaginal delivery, one can start massages almost immediately. Irrespective of the delivery method, it is advisable to consult with a postpartum massage therapist before opting for a massage. They can create a customized plan for the mother’s specific situation.

Physical Health Benefits

Postpartum massage is immeasurably useful for pain relief, reduction of stress hormones, and even regulation of certain hormones like estrogen, dopamine, and serotonin. It is also known to help increase milk production[1] by regulating the hormone prolactin, which is an immeasurable benefit for mothers who choose to breastfeed. If mothers are comfortable with abdominal massage, it also helps clear lochia sooner, which helps to expedite the recovery process, while helping the uterus contract sooner to its pre-pregnancy size and reducing uterine muscle contraction pain[2].

Massage also helps relax muscles and increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, essentially helping clear the body of toxins, combating edema and swelling, and making the mother feel better by reducing aches. If the mother is relaxed and calm, it can also lead to stronger mother-child bonding and attachment[3].

A trained postpartum massage therapist will create a plan that works with your delivery method and any pain or soreness you may have. They would also accommodate breastfeeding needs and schedules. And one of the most important and valuable points in favor of postpartum massage for new moms – it helps them sleep better!

Mental Health Benefits

Often, new mothers are at increased risk[4] of postpartum depression, and postpartum depressive and/or anxiety disorder symptoms. This increased risk of postpartum depression can often be traced to the immense pressure on a new mother, handling everything on their own, and having no time to rest or relax. It can get overwhelming and place immense stress on the mother. Postpartum massage can help alleviate many of these worries by giving them time to rest and unwind, even if for a short while, during the day, which helps them feel more refreshed to care for themselves as well as their baby.

study[5] found that back massage done just for one day, the day after delivery, helped significantly reduce anxiety, making it very valuable for new mom care. And, as anxiety is a strong predictor[6] of developing postpartum depression, this is a helpful and beneficial way to deal with it.

Key Takeaways

Postpartum massage is hugely beneficial for new mom care and provides them an opportunity to unwind, practice self-care, let go of some stress for a while, and relax their body. It also helps reduce anxiety, which helps combat postpartum depression. Overall, there are undeniable physical as well as mental health benefits for mothers from postpartum massage. A trained postpartum massage therapist is different from a regular masseuse, having specific skills and knowledge that help them provide valuable support to mothers, making them an important factor in new mom care.