
About Us


ReviveMom provides the postpartum message to new moms at the most comfortable place – at their home and close to their newborn. Our LMTs provide postpartum massage, developed by infusing decade-old eastern tactics and upon consulting medical professionals. Every new mother should expect a moment of relaxation, strength, and revival during the massage. After your session with us, we promise you will be back in full swing at taking charge as a mother. It is a promise from a mother to a mother.


Manual dexterity

Motherhood is beautiful, but being a mother is tough. We, as a culture, have glamorized the pregnancy journey. However, when it comes to postpartum care, we shy away. Each mother is left, on her own, to find her strength to revival – journey to find her old self.

During my fourth trimester, my hormones and sleep were on a crazy rollercoaster ride. I was always in pursuit of that perfect blend of strength & peace that would revive me to be myself, so I can enjoy each moment of being a new mother. To my surprise, there was no dedicated support or help for new mothers to revive themselves. Fortunately, I was able to come out stronger from my postpartum journey, but that’s when I decided I cannot have this for my future pregnancy or for any new mother. That is how ReviveMom was born. A simple yet effective way to revive mothers.

Payal Patel Pethani


Our Staff

Meet Our experts

Allan Ryan
Orthopaedic Doctor
Carol Small
Donna Bridges
Skin Expert
Oliver Stephens


ReviveMom helps a new mother feel relaxed during their postpartum phase. We have certified massage therapists, who are trained to provide postpartum massage. At your appointment time, a therapist will arrive at your door with a massage table, fresh linens, lotions, oils, and music to ensure a soothing experience. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy your massage.


what people say about us

Amazing! In midst of all chaos of being a first-time mom, ReviveMom services were a blessing. I was able to take some time off to relax and recover. I felt my body got the right attention that was needed after delivery. I highly recommend their services to new mothers.

Pooja K

I enjoyed a massage with ReviveMom. It was a relaxing experience amidst all the new mom duties that I have been busy with.

Emily, S.

The masseuse was very prompt and good. It was my third week since the delivery so she took time to learn about me and help me relax during the 60 min session. Thanks to Revivemom for setting this up to help new mothers like me to recover faster and stronger.

Maisha M